Pediatric Dental Care Myths Parents Should Not Believe

If you are wanting to make sure that your child's oral health is protected against common hazards, you will need to have a strong knowledge about pediatric dental topics. Unfortunately, misinformation regarding these topics will have the potential to lead well-meaning parents to make serious mistakes when it concerns caring for their child's dental needs.

Myth: Children Only Need To Visit The Dentist Once Their Full Set Of Teeth Have Developed

The first dental visit for your child can be one of the most important. In addition to your child's gums being closely examined, this visit will also give you the opportunity to learn more about the type of care that you will be needing to provide on a daily basis. While it is often assumed that this visit should wait until the teeth emerge, it should actually be done long before. Typically, parents should take their child to a family dentistry center once they turn one.

Myth: There Is Not A Correct Way Of Brushing Teeth

Once your child's teeth have emerged, it is important for your child to develop sound dental hygiene habits so that they avoid some of the risks of developing cavities or other serious dental problems. Unfortunately, many children may not learn the most effective brushing techniques, and this can compromise the effectiveness of this care. When your child is learning to brush, you will want to reinforce the habit of using a circular motion on both the front and back of each tooth. Also, you should strive to reinforce the idea that each tooth should be thoroughly brushed. Often, children may attempt to simply rush through this step, but developing the habit of brushing each tooth for several seconds will help to increase the effectiveness of this care.

Myth: Dental Sealants Protect All Your Child's Teeth

Having a child's teeth sealed can be a great way of reducing the dangers of cavities forming. When a tooth is sealed, a protective sealant will be applied that can stop bacteria and other substances from coming into direct contact with the enamel of the tooth. While parents may assume that using these sealants will make their child's teeth immune from the risk of cavities, it should be noted that these sealants are only applied to the top of the teeth in the back of the mouth. This means that the sides of the teeth as well as those located in the front of the mouth will not have this protection.
