Dos And Don'ts Of Dealing With Aligners That Bother Your Gums Slightly

When you get your teeth straightened through the process of Invisalign, you'll quickly get used to wearing the custom aligners that will turn a crooked smile into a photo-worthy one. Your dental professional takes precise measurements of your mouth so that the aligners will fit properly, but there's a small chance that you'll notice a slight amount of gum discomfort where the aligner touches your gum. Or, it's also possible that you'll have a gum irritation for some other reason that feels worse because of the aligner's presence. Here are some dos and don'ts about navigating this potential situation.

Do: Consult Your Dentist

The best thing to do when you're aware of some gum discomfort caused by an Invisalign spacer is to contact your dentist. Call the dental clinic and explain the situation to the receptionist. He or she may be able to give you some suggestions from the dentist, and it's also possible that the dentist will ask you to come in so that he or she can assess the situation and come up with a solution.

Don't: Try To Trim The Aligner

If you look at your smile in the mirror and can identify the part of the aligner that is rubbing on your gums and causing some discomfort, you might think about looking for a solution yourself. This could involve perhaps taking a sharp knife and trimming some of the aligner's edge away. This is a bad idea that will damage the integrity of this device as well as potentially harm its ability to do its job.

Do: Brush The Gum Gently

If it's evident that your gum is sore, do what you can to avoid worsening this feeling when you're brushing your teeth. When you have the aligner out of your mouth for some self-hygiene, focus on lightly brushing the teeth in the affected area and avoid aggressively passing the bristles over the gum. If you're flossing, do so gently in this area.

Don't: Stop Wearing Your Aligner

It might make sense of discontinue the use of the aligner in question, at least until your gum discomfort subsides a little. Doing so is a bad idea, however, because you're required to wear your aligners for the bulk of the day — removing them only for eating and a few other specific activities. You don't want your teeth to begin to shift back into their former position because you've stopped wearing your aligner.

For more information about Invisalign, contact your dentist.
