Family History Of Lazy Eyes? Take Your Child To A Pediatric Eye Care Specialist Now

You grew up with a lazy eye, and other people in your family have also developed one. And while your child hasn't yet shown symptoms, you are worried that they might. Talk to a pediatric eye doctor right away to ensure that they don't run into any problems with amblyopia, or lazy eye.

Lazy Eye Can Be a Difficult Situation for Many

The development of a lazy eye can take several years, during which time the changes to your child's eye may be subtle or hard to notice without multiple inspections. So even if your child's eye seems normal now, it could slowly wander and degrade their vision as its position worsens.

Even worse, a lazy eye can be a difficult psychological problem for many children. Peers often don't understand this situation and may mock a child with amblyopia, making them feel worse. While this kind of bullying is not tolerated in most schools, a lot may go on when teachers aren't present.

As a result, it is never too early to start checking your child for symptoms of lazy eye. If you notice that one eye seems to wander away from where it should point — even a little — it is important to talk to a pediatric eye care specialist right away to make sure your child doesn't experience more issues.

How Pediatric Eye Care Helps

If your child is developing amblyopia and you're worried about the physical and psychological effects, contact a pediatric eye doctor right away. These professionals understand how to manage this condition in a way that decreases its intensity and which will protect your child's vision at the same time.

For example, they will take into account your child's sensitivity and emotional reaction to their condition. They'll then try to come up with a treatment that won't bother them too much, such as wearing a series of fun patches that you can change regularly to make the treatment more fun.

In this way, you can get your child involved in their treatment without making them feel too self-conscious. Just as importantly, spotting this condition early — and knowing if your family has a history of this problem — is critical for ensuring that your child's eyes are protected.

So if your family has a history of lazy eyes and you want to protect your child, make sure to visit a pediatric eye care professional as soon as possible. Waiting too long will only allow the eye to wander farther and can cause irreversible damage that may have serious repercussions in your child's life.
