3 Reasons Why Pediatric Dental Care Is So Important

If you are a new parent, it may seem like there are a million things you need to take care of in the first couple of years of your child's life. Yet among the many responsibilities that come with parenthood, pediatric dental visits are among the most essential. If you are curious to learn more about why taking your child to the dentist is so crucial, take a look below to discover just a few of the ways in which it sets up children (and their parents) for a lifetime of healthy dental habits.

Preventing Cavities 

When it comes to children's teeth, one of the persistent myths is that young children and toddlers with new teeth cannot get cavities. Yet this is simply not true. If a child does not receive adequate dental care from the time that their first teeth appear, they are bound to get cavities. This will be the case even if they have a healthy diet that is free of harmful sugars — simply falling asleep with a bottle of juice or milk is enough to begin the process of decay. To ensure that your child does not start their life with a mouthful of cavities, make sure to have early and frequent discussions with your dentist.

Learning How To Brush Teeth

Just because your child's teeth have not yet fully "erupted" (become visible outside of their gums) does not mean that you should postpone learning how to care for their teeth. Brushing new or emerging teeth is something requires a special toothbrush, toothpaste, and gentle brushing techniques, all of which your dentist can educate you on. As your child grows up and learns to care for their teeth or their own, a pediatric dentist can also teach them good dental habits to practice at home.

Prioritizing Overall Oral Health

There are many factors that affect a child's oral health, and they don't stop at toothbrushes and toothpaste. A pacifier is just one common example. If a child keeps using a pacifier for too long, it may alter the way their teeth erupt and cause long-term dental issues that require expensive solutions such as braces. In order to decrease the likelihood of these kinds of problems occurring in the first place, schedule a consultation with your dentist before your child has had their first tooth erupt — usually around the time they turn one year old.

For more info, contact a company like Dentistry For Children & Adolescents.
